
Self-Publishing on a Budget Anniversary

It was just over a year ago that I posted my first blog on this site.

I was finding the Self-Publishing world to be quite confusing and figured I’d have to wade through the confusion of it all on my own. I struggled to find decent resources and the resources I found were often quite unhelpful–they tended to cover the topics in broad strokes rather than in the detail I needed.

Since then, I’ve found a great deal of good, helpful, clear sites (I don’t know why they eluded me at first). There are many, many helpful blogs out there. But as I worked through all the information as I prepared to publish my own books, I decided to not only learn about Self-Publishing but to put what I learned down in a blog in order to be a clear, detailed, helpful resource to others.

Part of this goal was to eventually get it all together into a free guide for people.ย  That guide (the SPoaB Guide) just went up in incomplete form the other day, and I trust it will be helpful!

This past year of blogging has been difficult.ย  I have some health challenges (see Encephalitis Story) that limit me in this area and leave me with just little pockets of energy and brain space to blog, but I have been encouraged to keep going with it as it is helpful to my recovery.ย  Wow… that means you’re reading my therapy!ย  Does that make you feel uncomfortable?ย  Perhaps it should.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

So, here we are a year later, and I would like to say a big “thank you” to all of you.ย  I have enjoyed the relationships that have come out of this blogging experience.ย  With some of you, we have been able to connect over Self-Publishing issues.ย  With others, we have connected on a deep and personal level as well.ย  It has all been good, and I not only want to thank all of you for your friendship but also to tell you how much I enjoy wading through the publishing world together!

All the best to all of you!

